Friday 2 May 2014

Hunched over a drawing board

Hello to people that normally read this and people that may be new.

This was posted on Instagram a while back, but i thought i would put all the stages on how it was completed on my blog. Initially it started as a tattoo drawing for myself but kind of escalated to the point that if it were going to be used it would be a whole body cover... so kinda back to the drawing board on that idea.
I have always got told less is more when creating but somehow its doesn't seem to work for me. Wish it was the case, this drawing took me over a month on and off.

I have become a bit of a social media whore of late and you can now find me on
Instagram (this badge means instagram apparently)
Twitter and Facebook . On twitter i dont really ponder like my name suggests just post up images and link hip hop that i like.
Anyhow thats enough of me writing the pictures are below.
Take care until the next time...

Monday 17 February 2014

The Thud in the Wood

Hey, hope your all fine and well...

Its very good news for me to hear the good fellow as Story Meadows Books have re-released a title of mine which is now available to purchase on Amazon.

The story is written by Alison Molyneux who does a miles better job of describing the story than myself, i'm just the guy who paints it. Therefore its best that i just include a couple of pictures instead...

This as well as recent restocked copies of Christopher and the Crab are available to purchase by clicking on these words.

Until the next time take care. I'm sure i wont take as long to post something on this blog compared to this time. It has a been a good while.